As we approach the end of 2023 we look back to see where we have been and look ahead to where we to go from here. We made it through the Covid years with it’s closed borders and difficult travel restrictions. We did have to reduce the number of trips that we made but were able to do some traveling each year.
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital Theater (OR)
Since starting the Mitral valve balloon valvuloplasty program in 2014 in Kenya, we have taught the procedure at 3 locations. Tenwek Hospital in Bomet Kenya is doing a hybrid surgical/catheter approach. The Addis Ababa program at Saint Peters Hospital in Ethiopia is now fully independent. They have done over 200 cases since their training was completed. The program in Eldoret at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya (were we are currently) will soon start to do the procedure independently.
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital staff with visiting team
We have trained Rheumatic Heart Disease screeners in Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Republic of Congo. Our most successful team is at Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia. Since starting in 2017 they have screened over 15000 school aged children and have found 3.5 % of the children positive for early signs of rheumatic heart disease. The children that were found positive are now on penicillin to prevent the progression of their disease.
Soddo Christian Hospital screeners
Soddo Christian Hospital Screeners with visiting team
Our newest screening team at Kapsowar Mission Hospital in Kenya has made steady progress despite many difficulties. Since they started in 2021 they have screened over 3000 school aged children and have over 100 on prevention. They are dedicated to reach out to help as many children as they can. The hospital administration has been very supportive.
Kapsowar Mission Hospital
Lucy, team leader for kapsowar Mission Hospital screeners
The numbers are reassuring but they are not only numbers. If you have read our blog you will be familiar with the faces behind some of those numbers. Names like Aziza, Able, Moses Joy , Perpetua and Mary. They are just examples of the lives saved through the dedicated work of the screeners and Cath lab staff that we have the privilege to work with.
As you think about your end of year giving please consider those children yet to be reached with these life saving interventions. Even a small donation can make a large difference. And thank you for participating in the mission to reach these children physically, emotionally and spiritually.