Make a tax-deductible donation online to help change lives. Read stories about what Lifestream is doing by visiting the our blog.
If you'd like to join the work we're doing, you can give online. When you give online a portion of your donation covers transaction fees. If you'd like 100% of your donation to go towards changing lives, you can mail us a check. Checks should be made out to Lifestream Foundation. Please don't put anything in the memo field. You will receive an end of year receipt. Checks can be mailed to:
Lifestream Foundation
7435 Pinecrest Rd
St. Paul, MN 55115
Lifestream Foundation ( EIN: 411823246) is a 501(c)3 charity registered in the State of Minnesota. All state and federal filings are open and available to the public. For a printed copy of the current filing a small charge will be assessed to cover the cost of printing and mailing.
Feel free to contact us at And don't forget to sign up for email updates from our blog!